Sunday, October 26, 2008

What's in a "Middle" Name?

Isn't it strange? Many were surprised when Sarah Palin used John McCain's full name during the Republican National Convention... But I wasn't. She was transmitting a not-so-subtle hint to some to begin using Barack Obama's middle name also. Now his name is being used to attempt to discredit him & bludgeon him in the polls.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Why Obama's Tax Plan Is NOT Socialist...

Lately, there has been much talk of Obama's tax plan. People say that he wishes to tax opportunity, "spread the wealth" and destroy the American work ethic. However, let us take another look. One could say there were several great American practices killed the work ethic already (i.e. slavery, child labor, environmental pollution, workplace discrimination, sexual harassment, nepotism, cronyism, hiring of illegal immigrants).

Some have also said that it's like earning an "A" while other people slack off, and then receiving a "C" so others can "share" in your hard work. Well, if one MUST compare the American economy to school...

  1. In the American school/economy, the female students would start off with 70% (a "C" average).
  2. School bullies would be largely ignored if they received good grades, B's or better.
  3. The teacher/government largely ignores more than 50% of the class, only giving real attention the the top 10% and remediating about 30%.
  4. The "A" students aren't required to turn in homework (do as much work, less taxes).
  5. For this benefit, "A" students are supposed to help the teacher tutor their lesser-able peers (trickle-down theory), but they spend all their classroom time giggling and passing notes to their friends (cronyism) while their classmates flounder and get worse grades.
  6. Oh, did I mention that the teacher grades on a curve?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why Sarah & John "Scare" Me

The language of fear is spoken fluently in the McCain-Palin campaign. They don't tell you to hate Barack Obama, but they tell you what to fear, then they link Obama to it. Their "Straight-Talk Express" may take a circuitous route from what happened when Obama was in elementary school to his current Presidential bid, but it haphazardly connects the dots in such a way that easily led people can accept it.

The problem is that Americans are going through what Governor Palin experienced while trying to get her brother-in-law fired. Although she had the right to fire any employee for any reason, she shouldn't have to lie about the reason. Therefore you as a citizen can vote for whomever you like, but please don't lie about your motive(s).